Glenroy Public School

Teaching. Learning. Growing Together.

Telephone02 6025 4044

P&C Association

P & C Association

Each year a group of parents and friends work together to support the fantastic work our Little School with a Big Heart does.  At each meeting we hear from the staff about some of the great programs that are happening within the school and are offered the opportunity to provide input and a parent/carer perspective.

We also focus on fundraising and community events that support our school family to continue to thrive.  All funds raised are invested back into the school through support for excursions, equipment and materials and other larger projects that the staff have identified as a priority.  In recent years we have supported the creation of our kitchen classroom as well as improvements within the school grounds.

We strive to make our meetings casual, fun and informative.  We do our best to make sure we are perceived and act as an open group of welcoming people and we are always encouraging new members from across the school community.

Each week we include information in the school newsletter about our activities and encourage everyone's participation.

Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month commencing at 6.30pm. We encourage and welcome all families to attend. Parents are asked to pay a P & C membership fee of $2.00 each year to cover insurances and affiliation costs. This is paid directly to the P & C each year.